Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear Lee,

Hope life is treating you good these days. I can't say for sure if it is for me or not. I mean to say that my health is good and that I still have a roof over my head, but as for the rest I am having a hard time as seeing the glass half full like I would normally. There have been changes at work and once again I am the one getting the shaft. It doesn't really matter I guess, seeing as this is not my dream job, but it would be nice to feel a little more appreciated for all the effort that I put in. As for the personal life, you were once again right about the pretty boy. He only seems to be interested in after hours visits and and a less than close relationship. Since everyone is open to that, it makes him not so special anymore. Why should I be giving him my best when I get nothing in return? He is on his way to the curb, he just doesn't know it yet. Saving that for his next late night call. Oh what fun that will be.
Did you know that I have finally started my book? I read my mom the first page the other night on the phone. She can hardly wait to read the whole thing. Turns out that this will be several books with these characters as I have had another set of dreams that take place a few years after the first. On this past Saturday, I read Mom what I had written from those. She thinks I might need to write full time, or at least spend more time doing it than I am now. I find it hard to clear my head and write after I have been at work for 10-12 hours. I know that just sounds funny. After that many hours most would be brain dead or at least numb. Maybe that is the case, I am just numb. There is no creativity left in me after all that and on my days off I have too much work around the house to catch up on that I don't always take the time to write. I have been trying to make an effort to write a little something every day, but it isn't always part of the stories.
A few weeks ago, I went to a poetry reading. It was a lot of fun and kind of put the bug back in me to write. I have come up with some new poems and add a little to the stories. I need to go back to a mindless job, that way all my brain energy could be spent on writing and not the political games of the work place.
Did I tell you Ann has a new boy friend? He seems really nice. I have been invited along with them a few times. He sings in public just like me and is really into cars. A very big plus. I really hope that he makes Ann happy. She could use to be happy with someone that isn't crazy. there has been too much of that in her life.
That is it for now. Keep me posted on the family.



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