Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear Lee,

Some days I am really glad that you are still part of my life. I can write to you to clear my mind, get perspective or unburden myself. What do you do when the people around you are self destructive? What do you do when friends lie to you? When the web of lies is so great that you can no longer see a hint of truth in it? As if my trust issues weren’t big enough already, I find my self in a place where I no longer trust the friends around me. I can’t tell when they are lying and when they tell the truth. Every thing and every body is suspect. Who is left to talk to? You.

So, here is the deal. Julie says that she never talks to the one I am hung up on. In fact she makes it a point, to tell me how much she can’t stand him and how she never wants to be where he is. He says that they talk all the time and that she is important to him, like a best friend. Get your stories straight will you. I know that I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but I can figure out that theses two stories are no where near close. When I have talked to Teresa about this, she thinks that there is something between them like they have slept together. Even if they have, it’s not my business. How do I make peace with this? Will it take loosing both of them?

Hope all is well with you.


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